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Cultivated Reef

To Glue or Not To Glue (Zoos)?


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I bought a small piece of live rock (a triangle about 1" by 2") and have set it nicely in a notch in my live rock arrangement with a good amount of contact between the two pieces of rock. My question is: should I take some of the Zoos and superglue them to the large live rock or just let them spread? Is there even any real advantage to one way over the other?


Also what procedures and precautions should I take in removing individual Zoos from the live rock?

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As long as they stay stationary do not glue them, they will attach to the rock in no time and as long as they are happy will spread really fast. I bought a frag with about 40 polyps, in 6 months i had over 150 polyps.

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letting them spread is the easiest route. if you want to learn how to frag then and only then cut them. propagating with a large number (>8) will give you a better chance of success than compared to a single polyp.

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Every time I have use glue it never works.


A shotglass is a nice idea. I dont recommend using the bridal veil to cover the top though.


They seem to stay in the glass on their own.

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