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Angel's SeaClear 42G thread

Angel Higuera

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Angel Higuera

Finally here they are....


Specs for the 20H: 20H AGA painted blue back, Prizm skimmer with Salty's (NR member) mod, 65w coralife, Acura 100w heater, rio 50 & 90, AC500 fuge, 35lbs Fiji LR.


I'll be selling this setup real cheap as soon as my 42G is cycled.


UPDATE (4/9/05): This tank and it's equipment is now up for sale, see classified section

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Angel Higuera



42G SeaClear

30G SeaClear modded sump/fuge

Aqua-C Urchin skimmer

Ebo Jag 150w

Mag Drive 9.5

Hamo-Tech 2x96w retrofit

50 lbs. LS

130+ lbs. LR

Custom canopy for MH/PC expansion

Coralife digital thermometer

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Angel Higuera

I hope you guys like'em. I will post more as time, questions and money allow. I'll give the details about them tomarrow. Im getting kinda tired now.



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Angel Higuera

Thanks BK. Actually no, I did not build it. The previous owner did. I bought this whole sysytem off the classified section of this site.


This canopy is holding A dual 96w PC hamo-tech retrofit. I'll upgrade to a PC/MH combo later. As u can see, I had to put spacers in to get the lights closer to the water surface to allow more penetration.



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Angel Higuera

I'd probably have to put like 4 or 5 of them right? Im not to familiar with the t5's. I keep hearing abput them though. Or did you mean T5's with MH?



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Angel Higuera

Hey Lam!!!! Yeah, i just got it last Tuesday. I still have it cycling. Man PLEASE save those zoo's for us. As far as that weekend, Robert was supposed to get ahold of you (he's should have already). Things did'int go as planed that day. I'll pm you..



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hey Angel, nice tank...looks familiar :)


I was wondering, did you glue your Durso to the bulkhead? or did you just jam the Durso into the bulkhead? I'm worried that once I glue it to my bulkhead, I won't be able to remove the bulkhead anymore...



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Angel Higuera

It's glued. But you can remove it later it you use a heat source like a heat gun or good blow dryer. They'll heat the glue up thus causing it to soften.



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Angel Higuera

No, I don't trust that kind because i'm not sure if it would affect the water in the long run if it made contact (reef safe?). I just use regular silicon/aquarium sealant and teflon tape on any threads.

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Angel Higuera

Cool. Good luck with your reef, I'll check back on your thread because we're like the only 40's in here!





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Angel Higuera



I just ordered new PC bulbs, better heater and power head and some other stuff from from marine depot.


The tank has been re-aquascaped and the water is now clear. 1.5 weeks now cycled. I'll post new pics when my stuff arrives this coming week.



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