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hairy finger disease


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A few days ago my hairy finger (normally quite healthy), began to close up on one branch. Now the whole coral is closed and a branch looks like it is dying and the trunk is starting to droop. What do I do? What could this be? Help!!!

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how long has the coral been good before its recent downturn? have you switched salts or water sources recently? (RO to DI, Distilled to DI, etc.) any new foods, supplements, inhabitants, or equipment?


is it a gorgonian/sea pen-type or a briareum (gsp-looking) type of hairy finger? if you don't stop that you'll go blind btw. :P and lastly like your other post on the open brain coral alluded to, have you changed any of the dynamics of the tank?


i don't mean to be a nudge but more starting information allows for a better answer/reply. ;)

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sorry about that. The hairy finger (gsp type) has been great for three months. I use distilled water, kalk, and I recently (a week ago) started strontium and iodine ( could that be it?). I also add a few drops of phyto every few days. Note: my doser is broken, so while I wait for a new doser I pour a little top off water with kalk every day. All my other corals look great (alveopora hides in evening but looks great every morning), and all my specs are good (nitrite=0,amm=0, nitrate < 5 at most, ph 8.3-8.5, sal 1.023, temp 76-78).

I'm losing branches by the day!!! They look maybe like a greenish slime replaces the polyps.


5 gal

8 lbs figi

3 lbs ls

2x13w pc, 6400k and combo

sebae clown

peppermint shrimp

blue legs, astreas

frogspawn, open brain, alveopora (flower pot), and hairy finger hopefully :-(.

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no prob, thanks for the addt'l info. that seems like a lot of stonys for a 5g. : out of that bunch of corals i'm not surprised it's the briar that's losing out.


i wouldn't think it's the strontium or iodine. to poison the briar the others should show some effects too. ??? but i do expect the briar to be the first one to react at all. i use them as canaries of water quality but you're talking about a total meltdown already.


i'd lean toward the kalk additions swinging pH to stress the briar. another possibility is the chemical warfare between the various stonys and the briar. imagine a bunny tossed into a pit of vipers, kewl! :D


try dripping the kalk, if that's not it (i.e. doesn't coincide with the briar's downturn in health) i'd back off the strontium and iodine to see any reaction.

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