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Prodigal Snail Returns


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as i'm tearing down my office nano (an adventure in itself) i removed my prizm skimmer. lo and behold, my long lost 3rd snail was still living in the reactor chamber like some albino castaway.


some here may remember that it kept crawling up into my skimmer and then finally disappeared sometime early summer ??? never to be seen again by its lazy no-maintenance owner. i kept waiting for the nitrate spike and snail sludge but never noticed anything.


months later it's now bleach white (no light for the coralline on its shell) and about half the size as its brothers who enjoyed the run of the tank and munching on the abundant algae. X)


the moral? stop f'ing with the friggin' skimmer! you dumb snail!

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I have a similar non-marine realted story. I have an Oscar tank, that sometimes I give "treats" to. The last time I did I fed them some baby guppies, because the goldfish feeders in the store looked like crap. Anywhooo, about 6 months later I was cleaning the built in overflow and found two full grown guppies. The only explanation is that my oscars,being displaesed with the size of their "treats", gently picked a few up in their mouths, spit them over the overflow, knowing that they would grow larger, that I would find them, and eventually give them a more substantial treat....or I suppose they could have just gotten sucked into the overflow. I'm sticking with the first story though, its got more pizazz.;)

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My snails love to hang out in a PRIZM, too. I wonder if it's the high dissolved oxygen content that attracts them? I reckon that they'll come out when they get hungry enough... i've never found a dead one in there.

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a few years ago I had a 55 gallon fowlr tank and one of my inhabitants was a snowflake moray. I had bought the eel when it was a few inches long and it lived in a large shell. It grew rapidly, as they tend to do, and within a year it was close to two feet long. Anyway, a friend of mine had another snowflake that someone had given him and he tossed it in my tank. The two eels hated eachother and they would fight all the time. I got such a kick out of it. A few weeks go by and I notice the fighting stopped and the bigger eel no longer comes out to menace me when I clean the tank or feed. I search the tank and find no trace of the missing eel. Three weeks go by and I am sitting near the tank, watching tv and I see movement by the bottom of the sump and I panic, thinking rat (soho loft living yay). I check out the sump and there, at the bottom of the bio balls is my eel. I try to get him out and he races up, thru the balls and up the intake tube. I ended up taking the damned thing apart to get him out.


My neon dottyback in my 7 gallon has figured out how to swim in and out of the outflow tube of my refugium. At first I would have to catch him (little guy was so scared the first time he practically jumped into my hand) to get him out. Now he goes in and out like a hamster running thru those little tubes from cage to cage.

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