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Corals In A Nano Cube


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When i get the money, i was thinking about getting a ricordea. Do i have good enough lighting to house one and how hard are they to keep.



P.S. i have 52watts or lighting in a 12g nano cube(10g acuttaly)

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i think you do. i have seen them in as low as 2.5 watts per gallon, but placed at the top.




Why so many options when it comes to corals?

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they are not particularly 'light needy'. about what a zoo can live with.


they are an 'easy' coral. in many ways as easy as shrooms, and certainly easier than zoos.


i once had a heater fall on my beloved rics and burn the #@&* out of one. the result? it burned it in half and i ended up with two.




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Nice i can't wait tell i get one:):)


P.S. do they have to have perfect parameters and salanity stuff like that ect. (i dont have a problem with this stuff be just asking):):):):)

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Originally posted by nalbar

they are not particularly 'light needy'. about what a zoo can live with.


they are an 'easy' coral. in many ways as easy as shrooms, and certainly easier than zoos.


i once had a heater fall on my beloved rics and burn the #@&* out of one. the result? it burned it in half and i ended up with two.





Must be nice I can't keep a ric to save my life. but it has to be a curse on me set forth by the coral gods

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no, they dont need 'perfect' parameters.


like clams or shrooms they prefer slightly 'dirty' water. they are more of a 'lagoon' species. as such, they are adapted to areas that dont get as much flow as the open ocean. so they are more used to nutrient rich areas than other corals.





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Originally posted by ebin

Must be nice I can't keep a ric to save my life. but it has to be a curse on me set forth by the coral gods


well ebin, one day you will see my tank in person, and i will show you.





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Originally posted by nalbar

well ebin, one day you will see my tank in person, and i will show you.






At first I was but the learner soon I will become master.

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Dude, I have a stock oringinal JBJ 12g with 24 watts. I have two large Orange Rics and a Green Humma. They are all near the bottom of my tank and have much better coloration and growth since I introduced them months ago. They have been doing fine. You should be more than fine. Just keep up with weekly water changes. I do about 2 gal every weekend.

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I have. If you look in the vendor feedback there are numerous posts (including mine) regarding purchases from them. I LOVED my order, LOVED the company. Prices and service cannot be beat. I'd highly reccomend them. :)

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i dont think they do but i dont have one but i have some hariy mushrooms and they are just spitting so i dont know My lfs sales them for 10$ but they are about 1 1/2 inchs come to think of it i am going to get one when i get my pulsing xiena this weekend

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey, ur getting a coral, good job aaron, i have a ricordia, i put it where there was a bit more current, and it didnt open up to its full size, so i put it in a low current area and its big, open and colorful, so i guess they donr like strong currents

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I bought a rock with 30 yumas for $30. Some are 2" across I plan os selling some when it gets into spring so they can be shipped in a thrumus get in touch with me wieh your comfrotable with thermous trading for them. You could aslo keep some LPS i really like them alot.

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Afiser - I think you will do fine with a Ricordea.


I have a 12G DX. Has been set up since Nov '04. First chamber I have a PolyFilter and the stock black sponge. 2nd chamber I have a bag of ChemiPure and a bag of Purigen. 3rd chamber I have a rio 600 with a heater set at 79 degrees. I have ~9lbs of LR in display area. I do a 1-2Gallon water change per week. I add Calcium supplemnet as needed along with Alk and other Trace Elements.



Phosphates: Undetectable

Nitrates: Undetectable

Calcium: 450 ppm




False Percula Clown

Yellow Clown Gobie



Pumping Xenia

StarBurst polyp

Green Pocillopora

Green Motipora Digitata

Purple Motipora Digitata

Green Colony Polyp

2 mushroom colonies



Red Anemone (small)

Trochus snail

Sally Lightfoot crab

3 Red Leg Hermit crabs




Shaving Brush

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No rock in the back. There is enough in the main display. Now if there was a way to put a light and have a small Refug with some Macro Algae then I sure would.

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