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3 gal eclipse shroom tank update


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i added another lb of lr from a local reef club members tank that has been up for 7 months and a buncha shrooms from this weekends WAMAS frag swap.i also took out all the filter cartriges and biowheel and added a buncha chaeto to the filter area. the tank is still new and you can tell by the diatoms. this week ill probly pick up a cleanup crew and put it in there and start looking for a mantis for this tank. tell me what ya think


3 gal|


3 gal filter/fuge


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Awesome, I bet it'll look even better once everything grows out. I've always wanted to start a shroom only tank, but I've tried maintaining two 10G nanos and couldn't keep up with the maintenance on my schedule, so now I've got one 25G.


What kinda lighting are you running? Is it going to be mushrooms specifically, or will you add a ric or two in the future?

Definitely looking forward to progression/update pics in a few months.


Good work. :)

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Nice. If I were doing a mantis tank, I'd definitely 'shroom it up. Looks good.


How is the cheato lighted? What species mantis would fit in an eclipse 3?

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im packin 1 7 watt t-5 thats a 65 k and a 13 watt 50/50 (gonna be changed to actinic) the chaeto is lit by the main lights, theres a space between the hood n filter that the light comes through. hopefully ill be adding a moonlight to the hood in the future. n wenneare (sp) is one mantis that i know will do good in a 3 theres a few other species that will do good too.ill be adding quiet a few rics (florida and yuma) in the future, i just wanted to get the basic shrooms established in the tank firts and then add the nicer more expensive stuff.


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One word of advice from my own experience with a 5gal tank and N. Wennerae. If you have any shrooms you don't want smashed make sure to put them on a decent sized rock. The manits I have moves a ton of rock around.

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