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Transfer Time!!!!!


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OK. here's the deal: my lfs was having a raffle on a Nano-Cube deluxe w/stand, and I won! for free! It has moonlights built in too... Isn't that sweet? currently, I am running a little 6 gallon reef, and it's doing pretty good. Now that I've got this cube, I plan on swithing it all over. My six gallon has 4 13w power-compacts, and I've already modded one of them into the back compartment of the cube (fuge style!!!). Now, I'm wondering if When I fit the other three in the hood, would I be able to keep a decent variety of softies/lps? That's 39 more watts, and would bring my total up to 111 watts (about 4.5 wpg). Would I be able to keep my toadstool, GSP, finger leather, green sinularia, xenia, ricordia, and zoanthids? They all seem like pretty basic stuff, so I'm pretty sure they'd be fine.... But with 4.5 watts per gallon, would I be able to keep a hammer, frogspawn, torch, or a little BTA??? That would be optimal....


So anyways, This is what I plan to do for the transfer: I've got around 10 pounds of rock in my 6 gallon, and I'll get 10 more pounds to cycle in the cube. When it's done cycling, I will put it all into the cube! Does this sound alright? after that, I'll get a lot more hermits/snails, and see how everything goes. Sorry for the long post.... But it is the first one, and I plan on covering this whole process. I'll post some pics or something soon.......

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Hey way to go!! I entered that same raffle. So you're the one who has my cube:D Sounds like a plan to me. I have a sranching torch in my cube ( it was in a 12 nanocube with stock lights) and it's doing great. The only thing you may have problems with are SPS and anemonies. Good luck and keep us posted.


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Your plans sound good to me. I would try to get fully established live rock from a local reef tank that ways you don't have to wait for a cycle, you have more coraline algae growth, and you know exactly what is on the rock.


Oh any your WPG rating is wrong its not 4.5 its 9.25 with that intensity of PC lighting you can do most lps and medium lighting sps like digitata, and capricornus. Acros will fade in color very fast, and clams won't be happy, and the anemone will have a much lower success rate than any euphylia (torch, frogspawn, hammer)

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B16A2NR- Sorry, I forgot to say that it's a 24 gallon. I guess you thoght it was a 12... sorry about that!!!!


Hey NanoBob- Aquatic Discoveries, right!?!! With the WRIF??? sweeet!!!

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