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Coral Vue Hydros

My attempt at a mega-thread! (New nano plans)


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Okay, here goes.


I'm moving the nano-system downstairs and in the process upgrading, major-leage. Keeping the 150W halide and probably adding some PC actinic.


Here are the specs I'll be giving to my boss to have him build:



I plan to do a green BTA if I can find one (VS the reds), a pair of ocellaris, a fairy or threadfin wrass, and a trio of anthias. (I know, I know).


I'll also do my best to zap the flatworms between the two tanks also with a dip of iodide and FWE of everything that will transfer, and everything new going into the tank.


Fuge will be an 18 gallon with MAG7 and lots of chaeto and different species of caulerpa. Also planning to have a small area of DSB aragonite for buffering. Auto-topoff will also go there, as will the WON bro's clean up skimmer. These skimmers are probably the best value for your money out there.


Any thoughs or revisions you'd add, feel free!



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just a thought...if your going to have tons of macro in the fuge, why not just keep it chaeto? i think its safer, especially since youre going to be working hard on a nice new tank, i wouldnt want an infestation on caulerpa...


other than that, sounds swet man, i've been watchin your threads and your a smart dude. keep us updated

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Pro- Thanks, man. I was thinking more along the lines of some gracilia anyway... the reason why I like to have more than one type is becuase they are all different and can take different amounts of bad compounds out of the water. For example, gracilia takes more phosphate out than most.


Tigah- what would you have in mind? I was hoping the MAG7 would do the trick as far as flow goes. I just really dont want anything more in the tank than needs to be there.


Another thing I'm pondering is an external overflow drain box to get the bulkhead screens out of the picture.

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4 X 1.5" overflows seems a tad excessive..lol. You could easily get away with 2 X 1".

I'm also assuming you're boxing the overflows? (If so..internal tends to look "cleaner" than external.)







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i would do do the external box. they look way cleaner as long as you dont mind the box in the rear and dont need it to go up to the wall. i agree your overflows are pretty much overkill. one

1-1/2" overflow should be able to handle the mag 7 after you t it and put 4 outlets. 2 would be max that i would use.

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I like that external box concept...I'm used to working in glass..where that sort of thing is impractical..I may setup something in acrylic when I move into my new place this summer.


If you were going to use a box like that, I'd still go with a pair of 1" drains out of the bottom, you never know what can end up clogging one of them and redundancy can be a good thing.




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very true fac...i agree with the backup of the bh but i disagree about the practicality of the external with glass...with more and more people drilling glass the external box is very practical. im planning one for my next tank that is currently in the works.


there is a flow calculator on the RC main page and it will tell you what size drains you will need depending on the flow you want or plan to have. 600 GPH can be obtained from a single 1" bulkhead which is about what you will be doing with the mag 7 and the line splits you plan

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The thing I wouldnt trust with glass would be holding it on to the back of the tank, I dont trust silicone in high-stress appliations like that usually.

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I don't see the necessity of a closed-loop on a small system. The reason they're important on larger systems is that you can't possibly get enough flow from ANY single pump to create enough flow in larger systems. But in smaller ones, the main system pump can definately provide enough flow if you "oversize" it a bit. I think maybe a Mag 9.5 or so for the size system you're planning here, BK. (I'm also assuming you're splitting the return through a SQWD or some such device.)




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See what i am doing now is this


I have a 36g Bowfront i will have a 1in bulkhead to the sump/fuge and a return


now there will be a 3/4" to a second pump for fly and circulation that will go to a OM Squirt like tiggas tank and then have 4 returns on the top 2 on the left 2 on the right


the 1in will be about 800gph to the sump

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Originally posted by FAC_WNY

I don't see the necessity of a closed-loop on a small system.  The reason they're important on larger systems is that you can't possibly get enough flow from ANY single pump to create enough flow in larger systems.  But in smaller ones, the main system pump can definately provide enough flow if you "oversize" it a bit.  I think maybe a Mag 9.5 or so for the size system you're planning here, BK.  (I'm also assuming you're splitting the return through a SQWD or some such device.)





For starters this is not all ways true its very dependent on what he wnats to keep and his aquascaping and secondly the SQWD is a no no because it reduces your flow by alot on the pump I my self was orignally goign to use one of these untill i did some research hense why im shootign to a squirt in my current plans


lastly Mags are bad too many problems...

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I really really suggest you go higher than 2 x 1" bulkheads. Better to have an overflow that can handle more than you need just in case. I had an abalone go into mine, and my tank nearly flooded w/ 2 x 1" bulkheads.


I think 2 x 1.25 or 2 x 1.5" would be more ideal, especially if you want to be able to have all the flow you need via one return pump since your overflow will have to be able to handle all the more flow. But if you want to add flow without having to deal w/ a higher capacity overflow and and sump/fuge, then you can achieve this w/ addition of closed loop.


And I would be interested in seeing a manifold loop done over the top of your 30g. that would be a sweet project! hehehe.

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Case, why do you not like mags? I think they are excellent myself.


I will 100% be using the MAG7, at least at first, becuase I already have it now, new. I will probably upgrade eventually though. Also, this fuge is not much lower than the main tank, maybe 14". Its actually going off to the side and below, and I'm keeping plumbing simple for now to keep efficicency up.


I'm also not going through a SCWD or anything of that manner until they imporve their design. At work we've already had two freeze up on us, I dont want to deal with that at home.


I'm still adamant that I'll either do two of the 2" suckers or all four of the 1.5's for overflows. I know its WAY overkill... but thats much better for me than anything close to under-doing it. I'm taking the tank plans in tomorrow after I modify the blueprints to include the overflow boxes.

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A manifold just isnt in the cards for now... thats still just a bit much for me.


As for the squirt, I've thought about them but overall I dont think they're worth it just to get alternating current...

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My main concern with the SCWD is that when you use it on a lets say for example 1200gph pump it will come a 900- 1000gph pump


but i defnetly think he should have a close loop on his tank depending on what he wants to keep

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Originally posted by BKtomodachi

Case, why do you not like mags?  I think they are excellent myself.


I will 100% be using the MAG7, at least at first, becuase I already have it now, new.  I will probably upgrade eventually though.  Also, this fuge is not much lower than the main tank, maybe 14".  Its actually going off to the side and below, and I'm keeping plumbing simple for now to keep efficicency up.


I'm also not going through a SCWD or anything of that manner until they imporve their design.  At work we've already had two freeze up on us, I dont want to deal with that at home.  


I'm still adamant that I'll either do two of the 2" suckers or all four of the 1.5's for overflows.  I know its WAY overkill... but thats much better for me than anything close to under-doing it.  I'm taking the tank plans in tomorrow after I modify the blueprints to include the overflow boxes.



The Mag pumps are not so hot because first off they transfer too much heat alot of heat matter a fact... theres a whoel slew of reason i can sit here and tell you why they suck.


Ive seen them leak, break down and once i saw one overheat and melt the outer shell a little...


they are noisy and BTW at 4feet on the mag 7 your going to be under powering ur outtake form ur overflow you want to match your return pump fro mthe sump/fuge to the gph from ur tank....


its just a cheap product...


RIght now in the tank that is not drilled is Maxi Jets and whats goign to be in the return and close loop will either be a Iwaki, Blue line, or Little giant pumps and do away with the Maxi's sicnei m plumbing...Quite, Reliable and less heat to water transfer.

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