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Can't figure this clownfish out


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I got this guy about 3 months ago, he does this all the time. There is a quicktime movie of him




This was when the tank was started up. Now the tank has some corals, sponge and other plant life. All chemistry is stable, 0 amonia, balanced ph. I have added aeration, no change, originally thought the 02 level was low. No change. He is vibrant color, and like to swim around when he eats, frozen brine shrim. Other livestock, one blemmy, three hermit crabs, and 4 snails. I had another clown in the tank for a month, he was very territorial, and swam normal. I gave him to a buddy because he kept this guy in the corner. He looks like he is growing. I do not notice any white spots. Would they be anywhere or only on the orange/black area. No apparent slime. I give up as to what to do. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

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Sure there is no spots. Tank bred. The other clown was slightly larger, docile for first two weeks then took over the tank. Every night i throw him a cube of shrimp. As I thaw the shrimp in a small class and cut it up with a spoon banging it, the guy can here the chiming and heads for the front of the tank and swims around like crazy. Chases the food all over the goes back to same fluttering routine. Does the same after lights go out. I had an anenome, but lost it after 3 weeks. Couldn't figure that out. It was the only thing to die to date. I am not sure what else to add fish wise. As far as the surface film, I am very disappointed in the filtration system. It always seems to have some garbage floating around. I change the water every 2 weeks, vacuum the gravel and the sumps. How do you get rid of surface film I added two more pictures to my web page of what the fish is doing tonight and what the overall tank looks like. Thanks for your help.



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About the only thing I can suggest is changing his food. Change to something like frozen Formula 1 or something equally varied in it's content. Have you only been feeding him BS? BS as the only food is not very good for maintaining a fish's health. It's like trying to survive on M&M's.

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