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Top Shelf Aquatics

RO/DI topoff mishap - 0 SG - noooo!


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I just need somewhere to vent for a bit, and to see what sort of things I should be doing to save what I can..


I turned on my topoff unit this morning - like normal - only this time I was running late and totally forgot to turn it off.. I came back to my apartment to find a very soggy floor and a tank that was STILL overflowing. I tested the SG - not even on the scale with my hydrometer. This is NOT good... but my clown is still moving around so maybe everything is ok.


So I make some water ASAP and then slowly (over about an hour) bring the SG to 1.02, I'm still raising it, and I reset the circut breaker. I removed the coral that obviously wasn't going to make it (Nepthesis.. forgive my spelling).


What sort of damage control should I be doing for the next few weeks? I'm going to get carbon tomorrow to use, and I thought about getting a few more snails and hermits to try and nip the decay in the bud.


Any ideas?

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i wouldnt add anythign untill it is stable. the dieoff will cause ammonia and such that will in turn probably kill any new snails/hermits you put in. do water changes every day untill the tank is stable again.

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That's what I was thinking. I wasn't sure if I should try and nip the die off though - I guess I'll just suck up anything obvious with a "syringe-sucker-thingy" I have.


SG is back to normal now... my carpet is soooooo wet. Any ideas on THAT? I've soaked all my towels already...

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go rent a steam cleaner, you should be able to pick one up at a local large grocery chain, and use it to suck up the water, it should work pretty well. if you have a wet/dry shop vac, use that tonite.

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Well, everything but my neon green Nepthea made it through the water mishap. All the macro in my 'fuge is also gone... but that's where the RO was going into, and so that makes sense....


I'm very excited that it looks like I got away without much of a cycle at all! Hurray!


Amonia is 0, and Nitrate and Nitrite were very, very, very low yesterday. They were almost unreadable by my Sailfert kit.


It looks like I lucked out...

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