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Coral ID


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I was rearranging some of my corals and lr this morning and found this guy growing out of a piece of lr rubble in a pretty low light area of my tank. Any Ideas on what it is?? There is two more starting to grow out of the same rock. I moved it up where it can get a little more light (and it can be seen).

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This one is a little better. Cheap camera is having a hard time focusing on it. It is pink / purple with small white polyps. It appears to be some sort of soft coral but not real shure. Not bad for a hitch hiker though!!!!!!!!

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I thought it was some sort of sponge at first too but it has polyps that it expands and contracts.

I'll try to get a better shot (not mutch of a photographerrr)

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Dendronepthya, VERY difficult to keep - need to feed live phyto, and their survival rate is not very good. I agree with prunfarm - put the rock back. IME they tend not to like light, although some will tell you they are indifferent.

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