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What's your bulb look like?


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Dumb question maybe, but is the filament/wire in the center of a DE metal halide bulb supposed to be solid all the way through, or is it broken with a gap between the two sides? I'm trying to trouble shoot my non-fireing MH retrofit and I'm wondering if it's simply a blown bulb - or if my ballast is fried.




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Thanks Jenniebutterfly, that's what I thought. I just don't know how metal halides work, so I wasn't sure. Replacing the bulb will be much easier than replacing the ballast!


Take care!

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Yeah... That's what I was affraid of. That's why I'm asking. I don't know how they work and this is the only one I've seen. I had everthing up and running, then melted a wire when my fan didn't turn on by mistake. The wire happened to be touching the back side of the reflector close to the bulb. It shorted the system, caused the aluminum reflector to pop which splatered tiny pieces of aluminum on the bulb cracking it slightly. Now I can't get the bulb to fire again. I probably shouldn't even be messing with it. Gee I hope I didn't fry the bulb and the ballast. That's one dumb, expensive mistake!


Any input would be welcome - I guess I'll start by replacing the bulb and see if that fixes it. Oh, and try not to call me an idiot too often. My father in-law takes care of that pretty well.

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You're going to need a new bulb if the envelope is cracked on a DE bulb. With SE, you've got the outer envelope than can crack and still fire the bulb (since SE bulbs are just DE bulbs inside a convenient little package..lol), but with DE, you crack that gas envelope and you're screwed. I'd just get a new bulb and you'll be set. (Hopefully...lol)




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Darn computers. I just typed a big long response and the computer sneezed and I lost it.


Anyway, I've got a brand new Ushio 70W 10K sitting next to me at work. There's a little "globe" in the middle of it that looks like it "should" have a filament in it but it doesn't, so I can see where you would think it was burned out like a regular incandescent.


What size bulb do you have? If you're looking to replace a 70W and want a 10K Ushio, let me know and I'll hook you up.




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Hey guys,


Thanks for the input. I really screwed the pooch this time! So, my bulb is shot cuz it's cracked and, the really fun thing is that my ballast is also shot! The volt meter shows very little current coming out. Yeah, I'm good!


But, here's the good news! I emailed Ice Cap and told them the whole story. They got back to me right away and said they'd replace it for me. Unbelievable customer service from those guys. So I'm really only out time and a bulb.


Speaking of: Eric, thanks for the offer - It's 150W though, and I've got a new one on the way.


Go Ice Cap!

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Ice Cap is a great company that stands behind their products. You may pay a bit more in the beginning..but it can come in handy down the road.




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