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is it normal for mushrooms to multiply weekly?? an example are my green striped. So far 1 mushroom as multiplied 3 times, another one 2 times, and a red one 1 time and a teal one more times than i can remember and he no longer has room on his rock (rock is about the size of a golf ball and had about 10 mushrooms on it quarter size). This all occured over the process of a month or so.

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sounds good to me.


soon he wont just be out of room on the rock, he will be out of room in the tank!


they sure look great as a 'field of shrooms' though.





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yeah, i have to get some more recent pics of my tank up...its ben about 2 months since my last photo session. I bought a bunch of "single" mushrooms and glued them in stretegic points in the tank. now the damn things are everywhere. I have one that attached itself to my glass and is "walking" up the side, one in the substrate an. (both of which decided on their locations themselves) my rock with zoas had some ones with green rims orange centers. For some reason they obliterated themselves and allowed the solid orange zoas to take over. Go figure...the everchanging reef. By the way, i have to thank morgurnda for the excellent corals, both of which are doing excellent. One of your mushrooms has already split and is about to again!

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actually................................................no. But i cant imagine the organic levels too high, no unwanted algae...no fish....?? phosphate at .002

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Oh, I dont mean the "bad" organic levels, in any way. There are just more compounds in the water coloumn that shrooms use to build their body mass.


And not skimming isnt bad, I dont.

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i used to skim on my first reef, but that was when i had...get ready for some major people to be ####ed off....a 20L with a clownfish, yellow tang, blue damsel, humbug damsel, and a yelllow wrasse. Also multiple anemones and corals that always shrunk into nothing....gee, i wonder why my reef never grew....

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yea, if i only knew back then. This was right before the age of forums and good reefkeeping knowledge was hard to come by. My tang did live for 3 years though...outlived all other fish i had..go figure

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