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This is what its all about!


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well, some of you may remember me from posting in the newbie forum a while ago...


well needless to say it's been a little over a month now since i started the whole process of setting up a nano, and thanks to everyone here, it was a very smooth process for me, with no problems whatsoever...


let me break it down for you!


after starting the cycle period for my aquarium wich lasted roughly 1 week...wich i thought was odd, but attribute it to the fact i only had a 10 gal to work with, and about 15-20lbs of cured live rock, and about 10lbs of live sand from an established reef, and upon noticing all manner of life moving around in the rocks, and sand, i decided to test the waters...so i added a blue legged hermit, and 2 snails (plus a hitchiker snail from a rock) after about 3 weeks of them just doin dandy... i decided to run my tests again on my water (wich i did every day from day one so as to monitor spikes and whatnot) and bring in some more of my water to the LFS for them to double check for me, well everything was literally perfect, and while in the store i noticed not one, but TWO of the exact fish i started this whole nano for in the first place!... 2 Baby CB True Percula ClownFish!!!! so i described my tank set up thus far to the salesman and asked if he thought i was ready to add a fish or two to my tank, he asked what kind of tank i was going for, and what i designed it for your basic question a good salesman asks to determine the right thing for you sort of deal, so i told him i started the whole thing to acomodate those 2 fish, and in responce he laughed and said they would be absolutely fine to put in the tank now...so i bought some food and more hermits (cause i love em) and....without further banter on my part here are my pair of clowns...




comments welcome



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yes yes i know, i spotted it when i saw the picture, as you can't really see it when looking the tank, but needles to say i got myself one of those nifty lil magnetic algae cleaner doodads, and gave it a whipe :P


Thankyou for your comments! keep em coming!



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by the way, if you notice in the aquascaping one of my live rocks has a hole in it, it's a pretty deep hole to, any suggestions on fish, or inverts that would make use of this hole as a home?



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Can't think of any suggestions as to a fish or invert that would make that little rock crevice its home, but in the future if/when you add corals, that will be a killer place to mount something inside of that is has a slender base!

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lol. vic i was thinking the same thing! what the hell is that god-awful monstrosity?!


good base to start off with kimo! you'll soon be putting way too much cash into your tank!

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that is a filter lol creates good flow for my tank, and i liked the look of it :P it's a Stingray Filter (old pump craped out on me, and it was all they had at the LFS that would fit in my tank.)...and thankyou for comments


yes those clowns are siblings, and attached at the hip, the lil one follows the bigger one around like it was life or death


what sort of corals should i go looking for?



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