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"secrete forest" zoas


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LOL that's pretty funny...ask him :)...he's got a nice collection of zoos though and because the frags are really small it's cheap.


Except all his pics seem to be taken with actinics...shady :P ...

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eh, I don't mind them, I like tiny frags so that I can leave lots of room for growth...more chances that they grow on the LR I already have established than wasting space on the rubble. Besides, zoos grow fairly fast if they're happy.

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Even in Los Angeles, the zoo selection is pretty lame. If I were to buy from this guy, I would buy a frag pack or buy a lot of different colors so the $40 shipping isn't going to matter.


I take everything into account that it will grow as I have every intention of taking good care of it...so even if I get 1 polyp of a color morph that I really want and it is in good health, I have no problems paying $20 for 1 zoo polyp...but that's just me. I don't really buy corals based on size, I buy them based on colors.

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rbaby --


How old is your tank, and how have your zoas been growing? I really like your philosophy and would like to emulate it :), but before I actually fork over the $100-150, I'd like to know that the colonies will actually spread. I've had a colony in my tank for about 6 weeks now that has reproduced, but not spread - ie, it's created more polyps, but the colony has grown taller, not wider. Is that weird? I fragged some of it off to see if giving it more room on the rock would make a difference, but...

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just give it time Davin...my zoos from before I upgraded to my cube had 13w of lighting and it still reproduced. It was throwing polyps everywhere on the rock...now with my new lights...it is starting to develop more color. It used to be straight up brown, now it's developing more greens and yellows.


I guess it differs with each zoo...I've seen some bud to a neighboring zoo, I've seen others grow on random parts of the rock. It helps when you don't sit there and count how many polyps you have :). Next week I'm actually going to place an order for a handful of zoos, about 6, I can't wait :).

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I shall :)...I'm excited, they're beautiful zoos :)...I got a couple from Tigah, pink ones and Safecrackers, I love 'em...they're so pretty, the Safecrackers are a deep deep red. I'll post a pic in a second.

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Do you mean the polyps are small? Because that's a good-sized colony... And they're beautiful, by the way. I need some red in my tank - I think I see red shrooms in my future ;)

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secret forest huh, i'd ask for a pic with lights other than just actinic. notice the blue. they might look very boring brown under daylight.

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Fred --


I like that quote - who said it? (first I mean, besides you :))


EtOH --


I have no intention of buying these - I was amused at the misspelling of the word "secret" turning it into "secrete" :D But I appreciate the advice, especially in "light" (get it?) of all of my recent questions about how to tell what they really look like.

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