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Coral Vue Hydros

Very small xenia frag dilemma (sp?)


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When I got my yellow finger leather from my LFS, they also gave me a very small peice of rock with about 4 small heads of pulsing xenia on it. The problem is that I have about 4 turbo snails in my 10g, and wherever I put the rock, they knock it over. The xenia looks healthy, but it can never get any peace because the turbos are always all over the rock, and the turbos are more than half the size of the entire rock that the xenia is attached too. I have tried everything short of gluing the rock, since this is my first nano, I have no exp with glues....any suggestions on what I can do?

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or you can go buy super glue GEL and glue the xenia rock to a piece of your lr somewhere. that's what i usually do when i don't want my snails to knock stuff over!

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I agree with the epoxy solution. Super glue gell can work great for gluing frags to rocks, but it leaves a lot to be desired when you try to glue rock to rock with it, unless you're extremely lucky. Try it sometime, and see how long it takes you to get your blood pressure up!

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For some quick help, I put the little rock in the sand bed, but today Im gonna get some of the epoxy and start experimenting with it when I get home from work.

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Just talk to the snails. Tell them about how if they continue this behavior that they may get a trip to france. I am shure that the french would love to invite them to dinner.


Sorry I could not resist.

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I think these snails would eat the French...these guys are brutal, they are extremely active and do a great job of cleaning in my tank, but my gosh are they random...they will go throughout my entire tank a few times over in a matter of a couple hours...dont get me wrong, they dont attack other crabs or fish or coral or anything like that. but they have been to every inch of my tank a few times a day, and they are huge...so if there is any peice of rock that is not super secure, these guys will knock it over and move on....

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Well if the snails threaten the french then the french will shurley back away from the fight. I have never known a frenchman to step up to a battle. Why the last time the french had a real solder was Abbot and Costello join the French Foreign Legion. Now that was a great movie.

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I use AquaMend for rock to rock. I picked it up at the local HD for a couple bucks. It's white but will eventually cover up with algea and you'll never know it was there.

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