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Cultivated Reef

Where to buy 5-10 pounds of high quality LR (100% cured)?


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My tank has cycled, and already has quite a bit of life inside of it. However, I am hoping to almost double the mount of rock that is currently in the tank. Right now, 90% of what I have is decorative pieces with coral on them, or small branch rock. I only have two peices of "base rock". None of the LFS have anything particularly special, and their rock isn't cured yet. ANything I get will have to go directly into the tank, so even if I get great quality rock from online, there will be some die off. Luckily I have a 5.5G tank that I can use to semi-cure the rest of the rock.


Any websites out there that will sell small amounts of hand picked rock? I won't be able to use 45 pounds, since 15 pounds would be more than enough. Thanks in advance for your help!

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