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Where do you buy acrylic?


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Anyone know where to buy acrylic online? I also need to know exactly what is the best type for nano tanks. I am going to custom build a tank for my girlfriend and I need clear acrylic, black, and another color: maybe green light blue or pink. Any suggestions would be helpful. Unless theyr'e not helpful then they won't help at all???

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Get it locally at a plastic distributor, it'll be cheaper that way. Use only cast acrylic as extruded will eventually fail at the joints. Common colors are cheap, but custom ones like light green and pink, will cost you more and you will have to buy at least a whole sheet, if not more. What size tank are you building?

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yup they'll make you buy a whole sheet and if they cut it for you u're still going to pay for a whole sheet. so it'll be expensive. Why not just buy her a tank or you planning on making it into some kind of shape??

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well the plan in my head is to do a half of a hexagon, but with 112.5 degree angles instead of 90. The whole reason behind this is that she likes those little pico tanks at the lfs (you know the ones that look like a rubbermaid container with a booklight on top), but I think it would be too unstable. She would be heartbroken if any fish died. I want to try to build an acrylic display tank, maybe 1/2 gallon, with a micro fuge underneath built into an acrylic stand. My thought is that with som macros and lr/ls in the fuge, the little display tank would fair much better. Plus Ive always wanted to do a REAL diy project.!!!! IM psyched about it.:D

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Originally posted by ReefMonkeee

yup they'll make you buy a whole sheet and if they cut it for you u're still going to pay for a whole sheet.  so it'll be expensive.  Why not just buy her a tank or you planning on making it into some kind of shape??


I meant buying their scrap. Call them and see if they'll let you dig through their scrap pile. Almost every plastic distributor has one (I haven't found one yet that didn't).


The stuff at HD is extruded and would work for a small tank like you described. I hate the stuff personally and will never use it. It doesn't machine as easily as cast.


Let me know what size pieces you are looking for and what thickness. I have a ton of scrap as well.

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  • 8 months later...
Where do you live? Try either Tapplastics or us plastics.



My local glass stores don't even know what they have, how can I help them check or how can I check, does it say on the protective paper/plastic on the sheets?

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