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HELP NEEDED: Killyfish???


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When I was fishing a while ago I rescued a killyfish. (I'm not even sure if this is how you spell it...)


Anyway, I really like it and wanted to know some specs on them. He's currently in my 10g. Im thinking of turning the 10g into a reef nano.


Are Killyfish reef-safe???


Thanks very much,



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well... it doesn't look like either of those. It's body plans seem to resemble that of a kili, but my fish is almost clear.


I live in Jersey. Last summer i was out on the jetty fishing and a fisherman there was using live bait. (I just can't use live bait...)

Anyway, this guy got tired of fishing and he had one live (kili) left over. To my surprise, he threw this perfectly healthy fish in the sand and left! I quickly picked up the fish and put him in a bucket of water. Brought him home and put it in my 10g tank (saltwater). He's been alive for about a year now. He's an awesome fish. Should he be in freshwater.?.

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not if he is a silverside.if it is a guppy or mosquito fish then maybe.any freshwater fish added into sw then it may die in fw bcause it has ajusted it organs to sw. u can try it and see ir he lasts awhile

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Thanks for your help. I'll try to see if I can get a pic of it tomorrow. Anyway, whatever type of fish it is, he's been living in the tank for about one year now and he's grown about 1/2 inch since I've had him.



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