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Coral Vue Hydros

Dictyota spp. brown algae - control it before its too late


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Over the past 8 months I have been watching a little brown algae slowly grow in my tank. At first I quite liked the look of it, certainly a step up from the days of massive hair algae, but I noticed that nothing would spend much time eating it. My Mithrax would have the occasional nibble at it but didn't make much of a dent.


After awhile I began to get concerned as it spread slowly from rock to rock. I started pulling out a little that was close enough to my zooanthids to upset them and found it to be an almost impossible task as it breaks off in very small pieces and sticks like glue to just about everything. Even a square millimeter is enough to enable it regrow. Anyway ...... I finally did some research on this stuff and found out that it is an absolute nightmare in your tank if it gets going. Currently the only reliable biological control is a Naso Tang which, of course, isn't exactly practical in a nano. Your only alternative is tweezers and a LOT of time on your hands. Here is a pic of what this stuff can do to your tank http://www.reefcentral.com/vbulletin/attac...=&postid=685272 .


Has anyone else had a problem with this stuff in their nanoreefs? :*(

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i dont have that but i have this other stuff that is ugly and a huge pain. i have no idea what it is. it grows in flat brown patches that overlap. it has a smooth surface. some type of macro algae maybe? i hope it doesnt take over my tank because it grows fast

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  • 11 months later...

Unfortunently I have both of these in my tank.


With the Dictyota, I fell into the same trap as you Pikelet. At first I thought it was cool, now it's spreading like mad. I've manged to pluck a lot of it out, but it regrows quickly. I've seen my mithrix crab eat some, but not fast enough. Anyone know of anything else that takes care of this stuff?


As for that brown flat algea, that stuff is imposible to scrub off the rocks. I've though about covering it up with something else to starve it from light. Again, anyone know what this stuff is and how to get rid of it?

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A long spine urchin may be a bit awkward for my 20 gallon, but a tuxedo urchin is a possiblity (they don't get too big.) Do you think one or two would work?

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I've got both in my 30, and yes it is awkard. I've been thinking of getting rid of my Long Spine I had some problems with my old rock arrangmend which resulted in some fish getting speared. :(

But now it's starting to get to big for my tank. The tuxedo is always going. I'd give one a shot and see how it does. It's not going to clear it over nite but it does do a pretty darn good job of keaping the rocks clean.

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  • 2 years later...

Hehe, here I am, searching for what those brown discs smothering my polyps are, and I come up with a years-old thread. If only I had photos to post - well, based on the descriptions in here, maybe someone will have some ideas... :unsure:

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  • 2 years later...

The brown disc stuff is very likely lobophora (brown wafer algae). I have no idea how to get rid of it without scrubbing the rock. I'd also be interested in an answer.

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