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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Nano-Cube 24g Deluxe--As is from box?


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Hello. I'm researching starting a saltwater tank. I was leaning towards a large saltwater tank, until my husband saw the price and size of the final product! Then, he tried to take advantage of my weak nature (and seeing that a nano-cube wouldn't take up a whole wall) he said, "Oh, look, honey, there have these cute little tanks that you could have RIGHT NOW!" So I have read through this site and found all sorts of modifications that are bording on pretty darn complicated. Is it possible to successfully run a 24 gallon Nano-cube deluxe straight from the box? Also, I've seen mentioned nanocustoms which I checked out. What would be their best "out of the box" upgrade? I'm not a DIY girl--I'm a "put this on my credit card so I don't electocute myself" kind of girl. I want the best system that will come to my house ready to go. Thanks! This site is amazing!

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Yes you can succesfully run a saltwater tank straight out of the box, but it can limit the livestock that you want to keep in the longrun. That's why people decide on upgrading/DIY lighting fixtures. I would just suggest a regular tank and a MH lighting solution if you want to spend the buku bucks.


Since your in MD, check some local club forums for info also




You might want to post your initial saltwater questions on the Beginners Discussion forum.

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