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Innovative Marine Aquariums

35 years and this is what i start with?


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after the above mentioned years in freshwater, including breeding and successfully raising discus, this is the size i will start with. the venerable jbj 12g nano dx. i will get my teeth wet with this size working my way up to something in a 55 gallon old used oil drum. i thought freshwater had something to learn about.

11 lbs aragonite LS

13 lbs tonga and figi LR

second powerhead in sump cut in through rear wall.

the balance: waiting on cycling.


i planted some underwater hybred corn in the front for some authenticity for my fake fish. i was told by my lfs this was the best way to cycle a tank. :-*

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i live near detroit, and many may know the red wings fans like to throw octopus on the ice after a goal. i plan on using this tank to supply there seasonly needs of octi. just have to brush up on my photoshopping.

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