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24-36 Watt Retrofit


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I'm not any place has the retro fits for Nano Cubes for cheap. Someone on Ebay has them on Ebay for $39 plus shipping and that is a decent price but far from cheap. Your best bet would to post a request in the for sale area of the web site. There were several retrofits that went for a good price but none were particularly cheap.


Good Luck...


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Check out championlighting.com. Bought mine 2x32 watt 50/50 for $45.


They have 1x32 for $25 and 2x32 for $35. Paid $5 extra each for a 50/50 bulb substitution. They come standard with the 6700K light. Ask Gary to make this substitution for you. The cheapest I have seen thus far. It may run for a limited time so hurry up and get em if you can.

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Originally posted by MillerLite

Check out championlighting.com.  Bought mine 2x32 watt 50/50 for $45.  


They have 1x32 for $25 and 2x32 for $35.  Paid $5 extra each for a 50/50 bulb substitution.  They come standard with the 6700K light.  Ask Gary to make this substitution for you.  The cheapest I have seen thus far.  It may run for a limited time so hurry up and get em if you can.


Does the 1x32 fit in the NC DX hood along with the 2x24?

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It should fit fine as there is a quite a bit of room in the hood on the 24 gallon. The lights only take up about 40% of the space under the hood. Also some folks have put in up to 150 + more watts under the hood so I'd think your 32 watts will fit easily.



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Yeah check out nanocustoms.com. I think they put in 3 32 watt Pc lamps. Not sure though. These are custom hoods but still may be similar to capacity of stock hood.

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