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Cultivated Reef

CPR Aquafuge PS


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i want to get the new CPR Aquafuge PS with the protein skimmer included.

the height is 15 inches tall, and my tank is a 10 gallon all-glass. the height of the tank is 12 inches. will the aquafuge still fit on the back?


thanks a bunch

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Yes it will My cpr bak pak 2r skimmer does not really fit on my tank because its to high for my 20 gallon long so i set my tank close to the stand so that the skimmer two stilts rest on my stand. Make sure the length is correct to and etc...

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O the aquafuge might tilt back your whole system if you do a water change so make sure the aquafuge gets some bottom support, or the tank is filled with live rock so the aquafuge cant tilt your tank back

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thank you

the length and height is 19 1/4 inches by 4 inches tall. that will fit no problem. and i guess i will rest it on something in the back if it doesnt fit like you suggested

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I got the small. It seems to be well made. I'll have to wait until I have it all setup and running before I pass final judgment. I suspect it will work out fine.

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Hello All,


What's all this fuss about a new CPR Bak Pak & Refugium Filter? I've been doing this setup and selling them locally and on Ebay for awhile. And I even throw in a brand new Jalli 13 watt fixture w/lamp too. I also use a black background to keep out light. Check out this recently completed auction. Please use the above link!



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Looking at the CPR I am concerned about water siphoning back into the tank if there is a power outage. I only have a 16 gallon bow front so this could be a concern. Anyone have any comments.

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