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Any Reefkeeper from Hawaii


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No-its illegal to collect without a very stringent liscence.


Look up a reef club and contact someone there. Residents can even collect up to a gallon of macro-life free rubble/sand per day for their tanks, and catch fish with a meshed net, but there is a lenght restriction on the hadle length.

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Thanks guys,i know its illegal to own coral in hawaii,LFS only can sale tube worms,rocks,sponges & some zoo's.Some internet site shipp corals to hawaii but some dont but i know fragpack.com & roesmarineworld.com do shipp corals to hawaii.soo far i hav zoo's,mashrooms,anemoes & sponges but i cant help it i want more corals help me guys.thank you

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just an fyi reef808...i would take caution in being so public with where youre from and the corals you have. i've heard about raids being done on peoples homes and of wildlife(or whatever they're called) officers literally destroying all of the illegal inhabitants on the premises...not to mention levying HUGE fines as well.

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Okay let me get this strait they say you cant own coral in hawaii but yet you can in all the staes that border the Gulf of mexico and the carribean where alot of corals and stuff grow. Man thats hailed out. If it were me i would have been saving my money for huge tank and collect some tangs if i could catch them.

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lol. i dunno....i kinda think that you living in maui is quite lucky! my family has vacationed there the past couple years and we love it(always in kihei)! my mom was actually thinking about buying a house in the new homes being built off of highway 30 near wailuku. compared to real estate over here in the bay area 250k is fairly cheap! but the whole cost of living thing over there is a bit of a deterrent she said. :D 5 something for a gallon of milk! i almost died!! that's awesome that you have corals in your tank though...you're such a law breaker!! :D

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Its 100% legal to ship and to own coral on the islands of Hawaii.


It is 100% illegal to remove coral and most other invertabrates from the reefs, lagoons, and coastlines in Hawaii.

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awesome, someone who has the truth! so the story i heard was bs then? lol. awesome. i was under the impression that it would be illegal because of the whole people dumping their livestock out when they no longer want their tank...thus introducing uncommon wildlife that could cause harm or out compete the wildlife that already lives there.


well now that you know it's ok to get coral shipped to you, you better start ordering! =)

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i too have seen that law stating it is illegal to own private marine aquaria in hawaii however dont know how old that law is and if it has been revised. Just my .02



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