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powerhead (yes or no)?


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Two weeks ago I removed my powerhead from my 5 gal nano. It seemed to stop working (it was very old), and I suspect it was giving my sebae HLLE (he was developing symptoms and would stay on the other side of the tank, both conditions are now gone). I ordered another powerhead that is arriving today. However, my tank appears fine. Everything is on the up and up. Should I add the new powerhead?


5 gal Regent (eclipse knockoff) w/ biowheel and chem filtration

2x13w pc, 6400k and combo

8 lbs figi rock

3 lbs live sand

blue legs, turbos, peppermint, sebae

green brain, hairy finger, frogspawn, alvepora

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Never had a 5g tank but, if you use a PH at all, I hope its a damned small one. That frogspawn will be interesting when it starts taking over the tank.

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