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What kind of shrimp


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hey i was just wondering what kind of shrimop you people think is the best. i was going to get a pepermint but i was trying to debate if the cleaner was worth the extra cash

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from what i have read, most all of the shrimp will scavenge and clean up your tank of detritus except i think for the harlequin shrimp that only eats star fish. the skunk cleaner shrimp is suppose to be the one that readily cleans fish of parasites though. the others tend to shy away from it from what i have read.

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i'va heard of several people who have their peppermints clean parasites off too (though cleaners readily do this).....also most peppermint shrimp help with gettin' rid of aiptasia

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I just bought a cleaner at lunch today. I was going to get two pepermint instead of the one cleaner, but he does look cool. He does not hid behind the rocks like I thought. He has been hanging upside down in one of the caves that I made. I will post some pick tonight. IMO he looks a lot cooler than the peppermint shrimp.

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Peppermint shrimp do no eat aiptasia as supposed. They will at best eat very tiny aiptasia, the large ones will not be eaten. Berghia Nudis do the job for that. I like Coral Banded Shrimp myself, very cool n funky......or cleaner shrimps.

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hmm, i say blood shrimp. the "blood red fire shrimp" is also a type of "cleaner". i would personally get this shrimp because it is one baddass looking invert. but i heard it doesn't have much of a personality, but it does make up for it with its awesome coloring. so the choice is urs :)

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ok now what does an aspesta annoneme( i know i spelled it wrong) look like i have this white thing about the size of a dime with small tenticles on it wit a small mouth looking thing in the middle any idea what that is?

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i havent seen one in my tank personally so i cant identify based on your description but if you do a search on aiptasia(sp?) there will be all kinds of pages with a whole bunch of pictures. or you can do a google image search.

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