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Hello everyone. I joined the the nano-reef boards early this year to get some help starting my 5 gallon ALife. I left the boards for a few months, but I'm back now eager to share some of my experiences and listen to some of yours.


It's been 8 months now since my nano-reef was first started. It's still doing great and the corals I have in it are thriving. It also houses a small peacock mantis that loves to chase after drifting formula one. I will try to get some updated pictures of my nano and the lone mantis as soon as I can get my hands on a digital camera.


I also have a 46 gallon bowfront that has been running for a few months as well. It's still in the development stages, but everything seems to be going well.


As my username implies, I'm from San Diego. Where are all the San Diego ppl on these boards? Maybe we can all get together for some trading or something... I mostly frequent Bonita Tropicals, so you may be able to find me there if you all want to meet up.

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Welcome back SD. I am in Chula Vista and drop

by Bonita a lot myself. The SD reefers had a nice

meeting about a month ago at AW , and should be

about ready for another. We will see what some

of the other guys say.


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WB.. donno if ya were her still when I joined, but Im the sarchastic SOB here LOL... there are others.... they just dont sour like I do :P

"watch out fer dave ESPI !"





well perchance a Hint of truth.....:x

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Welcome back SD619!!! I remember your tank well!! Have any pics to share with us? You missed a pretty decent meeting at AW. Although I agree with the consensus that we have to find somewhere besides the parking lot to trade stuff -we looked like crack dealers lol. It felt weird... But it was a great oppertunity to meet everyone. If I remember right you are a college student...? I think SDSU (don't kill me if you're from USD or something LOL) and you were on your last year of college.....?

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Thanks for the WB's guys. I almost feel like I never left after reading through all the posts. I have since graduated from SDSU with a B.S. in Computer Science. I took a nice looong vacation to Oahu and have been looking for a job since my return to the mainland. I'll have pictures to share by the end of the week from both my trip to Hawaii and my cool nano.


Dave, you're okay in my book. Everyone just needs to brush off whatever they don't want to hear. I remember first posting here and being afraid that everyone would flame me for my fish keeping practices. Lucky for me, you were'nt around yet to do any flaming.


Thanks again for the welcome guys. Ask for Ron when you visit Bonita Tropicals and I'll probably be around.



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