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GTBA Not possible with PC Lighting?


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You can keep bta's under PC. It's important to feed an anemone regardless of how much light you have though. It sustains itself more with energy from food than photosynthesis anyway.

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as the others said, you can keep them under pc...but water quality does play a fairly good sized role in the life of your anemone. plus, feed feed feed!

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I'm cool with feeding, but some say that I HAVE to have more intensity aka MH in order to keep one. One guy even said Watts Per Gallon has no effect.

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I'm not a big fan of the watts per gallon rule myself. You don't need mh though for a bta. Decent amount of light, good water quality, and feed the heck out of them. If you do that they're usually not too hard.

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I am with yoshi water quality, and food play way more of a role than lighting. I had my bta under 24 watts pc in a stock nanocube for almost a year before I upgraded it to 50 watts. never had a problem.

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What tank do you have and what type of lighting?


Water quality can add to success, but a tank's age really doesn't have a whole lot to do with it (unless it's cycling).


From what I've seen, and IMO, BTAs do better under PC light as opposed to MH. Not say say that they can survive under low PC light however.


I would also suggest feeding them silversides.

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Originally posted by barbadeau

yes but did the animal lose any of its coloring "bleaching"


Looks the same as when I got him.


Jmt: silverslides are good to feed but my bta never really liked em too much.

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its a 24Gallon Nano Cube with 2 36watt 50/50 PC's.... with water/rock/sand its over 3watts of 50/50 pergallon, I was thinking of doubling that or adding another 36watt

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bar- you gotta understand that watts/gallon is a very bad guideline.


Most important is how deep is the tank. The deeper the tank the more intense lighting you will need.

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Originally posted by barbadeau

its a 24Gallon Nano Cube with 2 36watt 50/50 PC's.... with water/rock/sand its over 3watts of 50/50 pergallon, I was thinking of doubling that or adding another 36watt


Thats plenty just stay up with water quality and feed. you don't need the extra 36 watts

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The wpg rating is more useful in freshwater tanks, don't believe everything you hear. Most people recommend an aged tank not because of jus tthe water quality, but the stability, which has more to do with the person maintaining the tank than the age of the tank. Here is mine kept under 220 watts of pc lights in a 29 gallon. He/she/it was very pale when rescued and has started to color up nicely and eats very well.



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Stability yes, so you feel that the Stock Lighting on the 24gallon nano will be sufficient as long as I feed on a weekly or biweekly basis, not to mention hopefully have a clownfish or two to kick in some fewd.

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