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finding gph rating?


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Awhile back I read a post with a formula for finding out how many gallons per hour will flow through a drilled hole with a specific diameter. Anyone have that formula? I looked for awhile and couldn't find it.

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I dont know the formula but............take a gallon jug and count how many seconds it takes for it to fill, divide this number by 60 seconds then divide that number by 60 minutes. Seems that easy but it probably sint.

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I think ReefCentral has some calculators that should give you that info. On their main page, theres a "Calculators" sidebar down on the left a bit.

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Your method would have probably worked Salty, however, I haven't drilled any holes yet, I was wondering what size I'd need to drill to get a certain GPH. They do have the calculators on RC though, and thanks for the quick replies to both of you!

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