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MY NEW Ocean light!


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Ok- got a lot of questions for the light experts here....


i ordered a 150W Aquamedic 20k light- however- it DOES NOT appear as blue as i thought it would- more like 13000k or 14000k-these pics make it look MUCH more blue than it is in real life...its more like a white with bluish tint..


here's the bulb case



now its on- again- much whiter in life..



w/ flashaq3.jpg


is the bulb installed correctly? instructions said w/ nipple towards reflector- and taht would make it standing sideways- just a little akward..




whats teh oily substance? inside the bulb..



so is this what AB 20000k bulbs look like? i was totally expecting more blue- maybe itll break in more- but that would make it more yellowish? what do you guys think? am i just paranoid?

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It says to put the Niple Up, so thats what i did. You got it, looks good. The oily stuff you say is prolly the gas in the Bulb, if its on the outside, wipe it off, the bulb may crack.


Let it burn in a few weeks, it only gets better.:) This is the best Light/Bulb combo, IMO.

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BTW, any chance you could take some pics of the housing itself? (More like pic #2 above, but with bulb off). I just want to get an idea of what the housings are like aesthetically. Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to see some more pics too, including the ballast. Will you post some more. Also, the nipple faces the water not the reflector.

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