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clown seizure?


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i was just looking at my tank, and my false perc all of a sudden started twitching violently. she/he is in perfect health ever since i got her/him. beautiful colors and about 1 inch long. could it be stray voltage?

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It was probably being submissive to the other clown. They do that - vibrate next to the other clown. Is the one that's doing it smaller or larger than the other clown. If they're both the same size now, you'll see over time that the non-vibrating fish will become larger, dominant, and the female of the pair.


Clownfish are really freakin' cool fish that display a ton of personality in the tank.

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my star polyps are pretty touchy...they are the last to open and first to close...rarely during the day they are not open at all, and never at night.


i've heard clowns will host almost anything. at my LFS there is a maroon in pumping xenia. frogspawn, anenomes, torch, and i've seen them in finger leather as well. just becuase its a clownfish doesnt mean it will host though. some clownfish may host GSP while others will not host a BTA. i would not get an anenome because they need extremely high lighting and excellent water condidtions. try for a torch or frogspawn IMO.


jbird, yea, they are both about the same size, but the 'vibrating' one was right next to the other when it did it, so thats prolly it. thanks

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Just an act of submission...I panicked too when mine did that when it still had a friend...poor guy died of a parasite in the tummy though :(...

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