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from my HOB filter I am getting a lot of very tiny bubbles. I know that they are harmless, but I want my water to be clearer and the bubbles add somewhat of a cloud to it. What should I do????

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I have no real idea but maybe if it's adjustable turn the flow down some?


If you tell what kind of filter you have maybe someone else could help you better.


- Daniel

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it is a bio-wheel 170, I know a nitrate factory, thats why I have no corals, although I do tend to keep the nitrates around 20. I haven't seen a flow reducer knob on it.

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Why not just remove the pad in the biowheel and then you can have coral? Do you have any live rock? How big is your tank? If you put enough live rock in, you could use the biowheel simply for flow, or even make a refugium out of it. Other than that, how high does the lip of your biowheel sit in respect to the height of the water in your tank. If the water is dropping into the tank instead of flowing, then you will get bubbles. The other option, spend a little cash and get an aquaclear. Only rarely do I have bubbles and they usually resolve themselves. I suspect your problem may be with the motor of your HOB. Cant be sure though.

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I have no live rock and the tank is a 20 gallon. I will see if I can raise the water level. If I did get cured live rock and put it in and took the bio-wheel out, wouldn't I have to cycle again and all of my fish, inverts and shrimp would die because of the ammonia and stuff?

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Not necessarily. You could always make sure that the rock is properly cured in a separate container. Get a large tupperware container and place in this container a heater and powerhead. Get it up to temp and turn on the flow . Let it sit like this for a few weeks to be sure it has finished curing . May want to add a pinch of flake food every now and then (not too much) just enough to feed the life on the rock. Then I would think that it should be ready for your tank. What kind of fish and inverts do you have. If not too sensitive of species, you could always move them to a temporary smaller tank set up (after acclimation) and then add your live rock to your 20. Take some measurements after a few days and that will tell you for sure if the rock is ready> Then just acclimate your inhabitant back into your tank.

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On 170 series filters, you raise the intake tube to slow the output. Raising the water level does help, but it is the biowheels that are making the bubbles.

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okay. The inhabitants are 1 royal gramma, 1 pajama cardinal, 1 occellaris clown and 1 tomato clown. ! shrimp and some hermit crabs, only 7 (do I need more). I will try to slow output and see about that live rock. I really want some, but seems like a lot of hassle to get ready for the tank.

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