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Cultivated Reef

a few new pics


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thanks jennie, for some reason the others wont work, the entire adress has an error or something. im working on getting the others

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when you are copying it from the properties screen make sure that it scrolls the addy. i had a problem like that, they addy was long so you did not see the whole thing. but i say them in the gallery area, and your tank looks nice :)


ps i like the yellow zoos

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VERY NICE NANOCUBE! I hope mine turns out to be that colorful and lively. One question, how did you install the second water diffuser? The information on how you did that would be greatly appreciated.



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Tmoney all i did was get a mini-jet 606, some 1/2" tubing and leftover parts from old rios laying around. i drilled a hole just large enough for some rio parts to fit through and connected it all. its pretty easy and i might even add another one since i want more flow

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here is a pic where you can actually see the color of my reds in the front center. this is an old pic but the zoos have not changed, just got a home higher up in the rocks


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its actually doing really well, ive had it about 8 months now and it started from a 1 branch little 1/2" frag and it has retained color well and grown quite a bit, hasnt encrusted too much but keeps on branching. one of my favorites in the tank definately

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my favorite from your tank too. =) everytime i see your tank i think that your montis are some kind of soft coral. lol. they have such a large amount of polyp extension.

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thanks yoshi...ya ive never understood why the polyps expand so much, i sometimes wish they didnt because of the base colors of them. the orange monti looks completely orange when in fact the base of it is green. ohwell maybe if i up the flow they will retract some

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very nice nano. lemme ask you something. what lights are you running over it? also, watch out for those montiporas, they can sometimes grow right over your acros, and could even choke out zoos. just a warning. but when the time comes, just get the old dremel tool out and buzz some fraggs off;) .

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ive got a csl 2x32w abs hood over it. ya ive noticed the montis doign that already, ive been fragging the big orange one all the time. i almost always have frags of it since it grows so fast.

thanks for the comments everyone, i need to get a better camera so i can take some better close ups

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here are some phantom lookalikes i just got next to my blasto



some new turqoise centers with green skirts



here are my reds and others seen before...first decent pic ive got of these....ever

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hey man, i havent had any problems witht the rose at all. i put it in and luckily it hasnt moved in about 6 months. i guess i picked a good spot for it.

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