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Kraties 5 gallon corner tank


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my tank: 5 gallon marineland corner tank with upgraded lighting 2x10w coralife pc 50/50, 8 lbs tonga LR no inverts yet just 1 old tomato clown and 4 algae crabs I just wanted to say hi and thank you to everyone who has posted info on this board.



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Yeah hes already 3" but he was a friends and was sick because of water quality so Ive nursed it back so it was my tank or death I didnt think he would last that long.

thanks for the concern.


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  • 1 month later...

Added small frag brown star polyps,green star polyps,clover polyps, some mushrooms and green/yellow zoos,orange zoos moved the clown now have 1 yellow clown goby as the only fish and 1 banded coral shrimp

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Wow - the difference in color between this and the last picture is amazing! What's the red/brown frag right smack in the middle? Also, is that mushroom just above and to the right really purple?

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