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Too many inverts?


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I saw a reef package on saltwaterfish.com, it was 20 scarlet hermits, 20 blue leg, and 20 astrea snails, with 2 emerald crabs for $80 with free shipping. This is a really good deal, but it may be a little too much for my 10g....but it sounds like a really good deal.

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yeah, thats what I figured, they said its for a 20g, but it seems too much for a 20g as well. I think I will just order them seperately. They have some good deals on inverts on that site...maybe I can get a couple people in southern california to split it with me...?

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try www.garf.org that is whrre i bought my clean up crew......i gave them a call and told them the specs of my tank and they customized a clean up crew for my tank.....it wasnt expensive and it camer in like a day or two.....

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Well, just a thought. More advanced reefers here and everywhere are starting to see the downside to hermit crabs. I mean why would I want something that climbs on LPS and SPS and just sits on them all day long making them close, and also like "picking" at zoos and walking over them as well? Sure they pick at algae every now and then, but a variety of snails are far better, IMO. As well as my latest cleanup crew discovery "detritus attack shrimp" LOL I love these guys. I've been breeding them and may begin to sell them as well.

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Yah hermits are great. But I agree with BK. A big name in reefing, although it escapes me...maybe Bob Fenner or something, once referred to hermits as "eco-terrorists". I still keep 3 or so in my tank but I wouldnt load up on the them. I agree with the snail idea. Hermits are scavengers but whats to keep them from taking a chunk out of a coral if they are hungry.

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What type of snails can I substitute for the hermits? My tank is about finished in the cycling process and I wanted to get a cleanup crew this weekend. I was thinking about 6 hermits (blue leg/red leg) and about 10 snails (turbo/astrea). My LFS has the hermits for .99, and the snails for 1.50, but they dont have nass snails or cerith. Oh I almost forgot, my tank is a 10g, any suggestions on my cleanup crew situation?

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gfunk. I think you have enough for your tank. Your LFS has them at good price too.


I think hermit is not that bad although how bad they are is depend on the kind of hermit they are. Blue hermits are aggressive. They attack red hermits and snails all the time. Reds are not bad tho, they a kinda lazy. Burgundy hermits, aka Baha hermits, are better than the others. Not very aggressive, very active and do a good cleaning job for short hair algae. All hermit love to pick on cerith snail. I guess cerith have the shell hermits like the most.


I had nerite, magaretta, cerith and... what is the smaller snaill that is hiding under the sand all the time? Nass... yup, nass it is.

I find nerite is... well.. I have no idea what this guy does. Magarettas do clean glass and rock. They seem to eat some short algae tho, not really sure about how much they eat. They are sort of stupid.... I lost two of them stuck at the microjet powerhead. Ceriths are sand shifter. They usaully stay under the sand and eat detritus. Sometimes they get on the rock and glass, and seem to eat film kinda algae. And the small guys... they are sand shifter too. I do belive they like to take care of fish food and detritus because they are the first that come to when I drop some fish food into my tank. Looks like their life span is rather short... like a few month.

I have 5 magarettas and 3 cerith (Btw 2 of them are missing, 2 of my hermits now have brand new shell), 5 burgundy hermits in my 10G now. They poop like a hell. ;)

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I have never seen a blue hermit attack any other hermit or snail. same with scarlets. I have seen other hemits attack snails though. not sure about the marshall island electric hermits but I have 2 in my 18g nano and they havent touched any of the snails yet.

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