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and I shall call him my squishy


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Originally posted by thebrian

How/where'd you get it?


It just popped up on the front glass one day. I have no clue where he came from I havn't added anything in 3 months cept some xenia.

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Originally posted by reefsrule

cool, hope it lives  




he will, its been there on the glass pulsing for a week now and he's probablly been floating around for god knows how long. he's been eating cyclop-eeze like a pig. you can see his whole stomach turn red! lol

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Thats great styx. Great pic too. If hes eating he shall live. Well from reading that website description, it says expert only. Greater than 3 months....I guess that makes you an expert :)

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That is very cool. I saw one at the LFS that was in incredibly sorry shape. The next time I was there (maybe 3 days later) it was gone. My 4 year old insisted on checking in every single tank for it :) but it wasn't there. I told her that it could have been sold, but I know I wouldn't have bought anything that pitiful looking.

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Originally posted by reefsrule

how would those guys do with the intense water movement?


not good at all I acedently scraped him off the glass when i was cleaning it and he tumbled around until I could lead him back to the glass. some of his tissue was ripped up but he healed up in about two days.

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let me know if he lasts more than two weeks- thatll be a record breaker... we got one that was eating really well too- died a week after we got it- they usually get stuck in the filter or pop themeselves on a rock..

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