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Live Rock


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check out progressivemarine.com

little company run out of this guys house in mobile

super good prices i got some marshall looking stuffed and other mixed rock that i hand picked out myself for 5 bucks a pound he sells the regular figi stuff for 350 but go look at his site neat information and pics.

later hope this helps my lfs has garbage rock for 799 a pound

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premiumaquatics.com! I got mine last week. Sales rep recommended Marshal Island and Tonga. They sell Nano size rocks. Marshal and Tonga is perfect for nanos as it is rock that allows a lot of places to place corals.


I would order from them over and over again. The rocks arrived in 2 days with lots of coraline. My tank cycled very quick with little to no noticeable die off. I highly reccomend them!

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