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Coral Vue Hydros

Post A Pic Of Your Musical Instruments!!


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WOW SOMEONE KNOWS WHAT THE HELL A EUPHONIUM IS!! That is awesome! Its a 6 month old yamaha 4-valve.


I also play 12-string guitar, but its more boring, IMO.

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my celebrity ck057 with op-20 electronics and a crappy Kasino that has seymore duncan pickups along with all new wiring knobs switches and a fender rolling nut


jackson bass thet needs strings. It was my dads but he doesn't play it so its mine

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Originally posted by VicSkimmr

nice ovation!  is that a shallow bowled one?


i beleive so, I neet to raise the nut a bit tho cause the all frets buzz BAD. the electric is actualy setup nice with low action no buzz and the innotation is tuned. kinda suprising with a budget guitar



^^^I'm stealing that PRS^^^

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Originally posted by matt the fiddler

seems a lot of salt guys are into other adiciting money driaining hobbies/ professions



ha ha ha



uuuugh you have no clue (drums, guitars, models, cars, car audio, computers, home audio, reef tanks omg someone stop me)

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I would post a pic of my musical instrument but I have a fealing no one would apreciate a picture of my bare ass!!!!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHaaaaaaa!

Beans beans the magical fruit!!! the more you eat to more you toot!!!!!!!The more you toot the better you feel , so eat your beans at every meal!!!!! TOOT TOOT!!!!!!


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