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Post A Pic Of Your Musical Instruments!!


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matt the fiddler

OHHH a control 24. here was mine... LoftPic1.jpg




and here was my Neve V3-60 same board as in abby road's A studio [well mine to use for a year]



yes to answer your questions, that does have flying faders! best board ever..


pics of my real instruments coming soon

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matt the fiddler

though i teach classical i can been seen playing rock to highly progressive bluegrass / jazz/ irish..



this has you all beat.. [iMO] my precious...es... i have at least 20 times more invested in this case then my tank. Heck my good bow alone cost at least twicw more than this hobby has....



5 string on the left.. Baritone fiddle on the right.. and yes.. i play bass on that ...

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matt the fiddler

Personally i like progressive acoustic. your flash site had dead links! looks nice though.. That studio did a lot of bread and butter work for publishers, IE the main Hal Leonard studio, but I did some stuff from full symphony [one of my favs to record] to all out grunge metal. I got to help record John Williams there.. that was pretty sweet...

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yes they are hard and easy,you really have to know some history,and if youve played something w/strings then it should be a little easier{im indian,so i know most of the backround!!}pm me if you want some info.

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