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Cultivated Reef

electric blue hermit and others added!


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today i just bought, acclimated, and added an electric blue hermit crab, one turbo snail, and wht i think is a carribean nerite. the snails seem to be doing fine for now, but i'm worried about the electric blue. He is just chillin on the sand bed and not moving too much, is this normal?


i'll post pictures tomorrow! :happy:

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i will take ur advice, thanks! but wht will taht do? do you think he is growing too large for his present shell? is that a reason he the hermit is not moving? thanks again

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Maybe your hermit is uncomfortable with his shell, I am not sure, but you will need bigger shells if your hermit is not fully grown. Pick up your electric hermit out of the water, and measure the counch shell opening width and length. Remember those measurements, and then go buy some shells that with openings that are slightly bigger. It is possible you could get some for free if you ask your lfs people. If you measure the shell opening, you will save some time and money by not buying the shells that do not fit your hermit.

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Mine hang around in the same spot for a while (half a day or so) and then resume scavenging. If you can see him and he moves if you touch the shell I would not worry too much. They can move a pretty big shell around. If you have different sized ones just get an assortment of shells, most LFS and tons in the snail display tanks.

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thanks alot guys, i will definity try to find the perfect shell for him. also about picking him up, he really clings to the LR, ca i just slowly pry and wiggle him loose?


-and nanoweefer he does do that, just stays around for a LONG time, then moves...:P

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