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CodeToad's Completely Custom Cube Project


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Originally posted by onthefly

CT - I know you leak tested the tank.....did you see any "bowing" at all in the longer ("17") sections?....give us an update!!


I saw no bowing in the tank when I tested it. I expected some but I went with 1/4" glass sides just to be safe. It's only 10.5" deep. I may still go back and put 3" glass triangles on all 4 corners for some extra bracing, just in case.


Stand/canopy pictures are comming in a bit, have to get them off my camera, resize, upload, then share :D

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Alright update!!!


Spent the weekend building the stand, floor stand, and canopy. Right now it is built but not sanded at all and it still needs SPAR.


My room mate and I (with the assistance and large collection of wood working tools of his father) spent 13 hours on day 1, 4 hours on day 2. It came out quite awsome! On with pictures!


Here is a shot of the floor stand and tank stand. They aren't connected for easy transportation. The stand has doors on 3 sides for easy access to the sump.



The floor stand has an opening on the right for the top-off container and kalk reactor (shown), and shelving on the left for test kits, ballasts, electrical, etc.



Here is the other side with the shelving and open front door.



This is inside the tank stand. The holes in the back are for some tubing and electrical that needs to go through (topoff tubes, skimmer, heater, and return pump power cord, etc) and also for some extra ventilation in the sump. We made them to look like bubbles rising up.



Here is the canopy, pretty straight forward here. Top opens all the way up for bulb replacment or big rock placment, and front door opens up for easy access to the tank.



Another canopy shot, with front door open.



Next up is to sand and SPAR the furnature. I'll post updates with that as I go but I'm in no rush. Next time I go home (spring break) I will install the false wall and keep going from there!


Thanks for all the positive words so far!

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