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Cultivated Reef

Coralife Light Fixture Mounting Legs


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Hey everyone. I have finally upgraded my 7g minibow to the 20H. I purchased the coralife lighting fixture 2x65w and the mounting legs. (One day I may spring for halides)


Here's the problem. I bought the glass top that is sold with the aquarium. The front half of the glass is made to lift up for feeding, etc. With the mounting legs on my lighting, I can not open the glass top.


I know some others have this fixture as well, so I was curious if anyone has a fix for the problem other than using an open top with no glass. I have had 2 clownfish jump to their untimely deaths in the past 2 years, so the wife wants a top.


thanks for any help.



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leave one piece of the glass in place and take off the second piece. put the light over the area where you took the glass off. should help. also, most fish that are gonna jump will jump out within the first month or so. hth.

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I had exactly the same prob. and did what yoshi suggested - took the back peice of glass off and now I just slide the front piece back whenever I feed - this also allows more water/air contact which is good for water quality.

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You could do what I did when I had a hinged acrylic top on my tank. I went to the local craft store (hardware store would work too) and purchased some 1/4" peices of wood and glued them to the length of my tank, went about 4 peices high to raise the light enough to allow me to open the peice up. Now I my top is covered by the light fixture stuff so it doesn't really matter now. Check out my gallery for some pics. Jon

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thanks for the replies. I was leaning towards removing the hinge" and using just half the glass canopy. I may try both pieces and slide the glass when feeding like jmt recommended. I'll play it by ear for the first few weeks.


I've just filled the aquarium and added the salt. I'm trying to get all the salt dissolved, and I'm waiting for the temp to come up. It is slow to come up, but i'm getting there. I'll be creating the sandstorm soon.


Thanks again for the replies.



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