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Abracadabra! He's gone!!!


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I broke down today and got a six line wrasse to keep my clown company and a really wierd thing happened. After acclimating him I netted him and put him in the tank and then I noticed that I knocked over my pipe organ, so I set it back. Not more than 10 seconds had passed and he was gone! I can not see him anywhere and he has not shown himself in the last two hours. I looked through some of the rockwork and cannot see him. I am wondering if he got stuck in the rockwork or if he jumped out while I was not looking and my great dane ate him??? Do six line wrasse hide for lengthy periods? Has this ever happened to anyone else?

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I have yet to figure out where mine sleeps yet, i have looked high and low at night and he just disappears and as soon as the lights go on he reapears like majic. they are very good at hiding.

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My 6-line frequently jumps into the back of my Nano-cube where I keep my heater, pump, etc. He is also very good at hiding in the rockwork at night...he finds some place to sleep and is not seen until morning.

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thanks for the reassurance, 16 hours and counting and still no fish. How long do you think I should wait before getting another one to replace him?

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at least a week or two! especially if you can't find the body...


just wait it out and see if the fish will eventually come out of hiding if it is in fact still alive. the last thing u want is to add a fish thinking the previous one died (when it's possible that it didn't!). and as mentioned above, it's normal for new fish to hide. just give it a few days and u should see the lil bugger.

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mines a proper magicianm, i re-arranged my 45 gallon the other night and i realyl thought he was dead, i even thought that he may have leapt out of the tank, he managed to hide in the smallest area of rock that it didnt move. if hes new then he may hide alot, mine did, he comes out all the time now.

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Thanks- I just found his body in the back by the heater - the serpent start and crabs were fighting over it... bummer. I guess I will never know what happened, I guess I will get get another. A sixline and my tomato clown should be ok in my 10 gallon- right?

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i just moved some rock out of my 6gallon into my 10 gallon to try to catch the psuedochromis that is in there(he was picking on my goby). i picked up all the rocks except for two larger ones and couldn't find him anywhere. i started to frantically search the floor and sink(the 10 and 6 are next to my sink...they sit on the little foyer thing between my kitchen and my living room) but couldn't find him. then i remembered reading that sometimes dottybacks have a tendency to find a hole in a rock and wedge themselves into it. i took out one of the rocks i placed into the 10 and what do i spy in the hole? a purple psuedochromis. well it made it easier than having to net him!

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