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reef sherlock needed.


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Hello, I have a problem that I need to ask your advice in solving. I have developed a layer of scum on the top of the water in my 10g nano reef. Here are the variables...


low stocking density but I do have a recovering xenia that died off a bit and is now recovering.(dead xenia parts fouling the water?)


Feather caulerpa grew well but some old strands have gone white and have decayed a bit. In general the patch of caulerpa is doing well.(is the decaying caulerpa scumming up the water?)


I have a flat worm problem. I ordered flat worm exit, but there are a lot of those little b's in the tank.


--I guess the answer could be it all of these factors. I was wondering if anyone else could give me any ideas as to the cause of this water scum. The scum seems to have a fairly particulate nature, but it is significant for sure. Do most people w/o a skimmer have clean surface water?

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Angel Higuera

I dont tthink im a reef sherlock but Ill try and help.


I think it can be all the things you mentioned. At least contributing. Do you have anything agitating the surface? if not, you should. One the surface is agitated it will become clearer, allow more oxygen consumptin. I would also do a partial water change.



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I have a lot of flatworms as well. I have been slowly getting rid of them by sucking them out with airline tubing....VERY effective and fun. I know they would not be causing the scum unless you already added the flatworm exit and they are dying off. Tell me how it works though, i am eager to try the stuff as well. It sounds as if you just need to clean up the tank a little bit...definatly do the water change, 15% or so, (the xenia). That will help the most. And like angel said, make sure the surface is agitated. That also helps a alot

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Please don't take offense, but compared to some of the set ups here, your tank is somewhat low-tech. I personally like the low tech set ups, and you can get amazing results. I say this 'cuz you might want to skim and/or do a hob fuge. I recommend doing one or both, and use a set up with a surface overflow (box or AquaClear w/ 'surface extractor' for example). The scum is not just unsightly, but it diminishes the oxygen transfer of the tank. A skimmer will also remove the small particulate matter in the scum. --I'm also working on the same deal for a 10g; best of luck.

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Originally posted by Angel Higuera

How's your water parameters doing? also, what do you use as filtration?




I use lots of live rock for filtration. All parameters are 0. Thats whats wierd. Nitrates are 0 and I still have this scum. I was thinking of getting the aquaclear skimmer attachment. I thought a lot of people dont use skimmers or as some here said "low tech" with great success. I think that if I didnt have the crappy xenia in there I wouldnt have this much problem. Who here doesnt use a skimmer? sigh, maybe Ill break down and get the ac skimmer attachment

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Angel Higuera

I would just get a skimmer when you can afford it. Just to be on the safe side. Plus, your corals deserve anything that can help them.


I have a modded prizm skimmer along with a AC500 fuge. I do not use their skimmer atachments and I've been good so far.



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your tests are showing zero becuase the xenia and caluerpa abosorb it so you may have something creating them or whatnot. everyone gets a little scum on the top if the tank isnt properly maintained. what are your water change routines? like how often and how much? how often do you feed? all of these things will play a role. it sounds as if it is a big problem for you with getting rid of the scum, id jsut get the surface skimmer atachment and call it a day.

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I will get the skimmer attachment to the AC, where does the scum go when it gets drawn into the filter? Do you keep a foam block in the filter?

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