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ID please -- may be aiptasia


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I just got a this piece of coral and this was on the bottom. It looks kind of like aiptasia. I'm not sure and if it is should try to get it off before I introduce the coral to my tank.


If its not aiptasia what might it be and should I keep it.




Thanks for looking.

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Thanks for the ID. Is it safe to put it in the tank until tomorrow?


I saw on another forum you can rub it with sea salt for 30 sec or so to kill it has anyone else done or heard of this?


Thanks agian

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i have one in my tank that came on a xoo rock i got like 3 or 4 days ago. been too busy to get it off. hopefully tomorrow i can get it. never heard of the seasalt thing. hmmmmmmm

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They also have this thing called Joe's Juice. They say that also works good. Personally feel somewhat weird putting lemon juice in the tank. Jennie you mean real lemon Juice right? I heard of that before but never knew if they meant lemon lemon juice, haha. Does that make sence?

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yes lemon juice, since it is an acid it kills it, and you need such a small amouny. but if your rock is easy to take out, you can do it out of the tank in a bowl of saltwater

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Yeah, it's safe. I use vinegar personally. It's a very small amount, just enough to inject into the aipasia. If you can't find any syringes, then you'd have to try the other methods, like Joe's Juice, etc... Just scraping it off won't work, unless you make sure to also remove every bit of rock it was attached to (any small bits left over will grow into another one).

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yea i dont see why your so woried i bought 2 peppermint shrimp and they ate the 12 in my tank in less than a week, i would buy two to make shure that you get one that will eat them, not all do

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