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pink mouth zoos


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i bought a peice of live rock with pink mouth zoos on it......there are abpout 200-300 polyps on the rock.....i went to my lfs where i bought it and they were open and very bright......the next day i went to go buy them and they were closed because one of his fish kept putting sand on them(you could see the sand on the zoos)....so i bought them neway and i went home and got all the sand off and they opened for 2 days......then i noticed some of the polyps were fallin off anfd and now they wont open.......ne ideas why they stopped opening and started fallin off?

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could be a bunch of reasons....zoo eating nudis, fungus, sea spiders(i forget the scientific name, sorry!)...more than likely, they were probably freshly imported zoos and they probably had a bunch of zoo specific predators. did you do a fw dip? if you haven't....take the colony out of your tank and dip them. add a couple(5 or more if you want) drops of lugols iodine per gallon of fw. let them sit for 5-10 minutes and lightly scrub over them with a flat bristled toothbrush to get any fungus or decaying matter off the rock. hth.

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well i couldnt wait till later tonight knowing my corals were in jeopardy so i just finished the freshwater dip and i found a centipede looking worm around an inch long crawling out of my live rock.....i picked it out with a pair of tweezers.......i lost around 25 of my 300 polyps to this guy..........i hope he was the first and only one.....i did a freshwater dip last nigvht too and didnt see ne of them so thats two freshwater dips in less then a day i hope everything bad died.......

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it wasnt that bad all i did was make sure the temperature and the pH was the same in the freshwater as it is in my tank........i added some iodine and then i put my coral in there for like 20 minutes and the bristleworm was hanging off the rock and i plucked him off with a pair of tweezers and i can see my corals slowly starting to open up......its going to take a while for them to open completely cuz they were in pretty bad shape from the attack

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zoos love halides...some times if they are unhappy.(such as needing more light.) they will detach themselves and try and find a more suitable home..zoos dislike bristelworms also.

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