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Small skimmer? help


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Sure, there are quite a few. Welcome aboard, by the way!


Some high-quality ones that can be used with some modifications to the hood of the cube: aquaC remora, red sea prizm pro, you'll find more if you look around. Try marinedepot.com.

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I also have the 24gal Nanocube DX and i plan on using the seaclone 100 on it. It seems to have the smallest footprint so the hood will not need to be cut - that much. Also, i heard those counter current skimmers require constant tweaking.

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So you want a non-air driven that will fit? Not gonna happen. You need a hang-on unless you like spending LOTS of money for a seperate skimmer loop.

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Not necessarily... I've been fiddling with the DIY plans found in these forums with my 12G JBJ Nanocube. They're not particularly difficult--I got fair to moderate success with my first $10 try. I bought another $2 in acrylic and hope to complete much more successful unit over the weekend.


Depending on how gutsy I feel, I hope to improve on them slightly to meet the specific dimensions of the JBJ cube. For exampe, I would rather have the water outlet point from the 1st compartment of the sump into the 2nd compartment, instead of pointing it directly back at the inlet from the aquarium to the sump.



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