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I am learning and reasearching marine and mini reef systems which i am entirely new to, i have been a FW fish keeper for 9 years and want to start a nano reef, i was wondering after you add the water to your tank and get the SG to the right place, do you then have to go buy the live rock, sand, and bottom dwelling critters all at the same time, to put them all in at the same time?

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After you get the SG right, you should get the live rock and live sand (you dont have to get it right away, its actually good to let the tank run for a while to let the salt mix well and make sure everything is working ok). Let that cycle for a few weeks until all the parameters are ok and then you should get the cleanup crew (snails, hermits, etc.).

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I suggest: not using live sand, use something nice and uniform like aragonite sand.


Then, you get the SG right, and get rocks. Wait for your source of decay (either die-off from rocks or just a piece of shrimp) to cycle your tank. Then cleanup crew to handle the post-cycle algae blooms, then begin to lightly stock fish.

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Live sand or "dead" sand doesn't make a difference, because the LR eventually seeds the substrate anyway. I personally prefer Aragonite over LS, but a mix of both should be fine. It's really personal preference.

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Originally posted by BKtomodachi

I suggest: not using live sand, use something nice and uniform like aragonite sand.


Then, you get the SG right, and get rocks.  Wait for your source of decay (either die-off from rocks or just a piece of shrimp) to cycle your tank.  Then cleanup crew to handle the post-cycle algae blooms, then begin to lightly stock fish.


I would go with the live sand to get the jump start on your critters.

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