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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

AC300 fuge for 50 Gallon???


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Hello to all,


I have been reading about fuges on the net and was thinking about converting my AC300 to a fuge for my 50 gallon.


I was planning on putting chunks of live rock, live sand and micro algae in it.


Would this be pointless because of the size of my tank and the size of the AC300??

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Originally posted by hjcorrea

Hello to all,  


I have been reading about fuges on the net and was thinking about converting my AC300 to a fuge for my 50 gallon.


I was planning on putting chunks of live rock, live sand and micro algae in it.


Would this be pointless because of the size of my tank and the size of the AC300??


Yep, thats pointless!

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